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Transportation Planning


Christine Berthet, Co-Chair
Jesse Greenwald, Co-Chair
Brett Firfer, Public Member
Charles Todd, Public Member
Gwen Billig
Viren Brahmbhatt
Liam Buckley
Pete Diaz
Max Goodstein
Sanford Miller
Tina Nelson
Allen Oster
David Warren
Alice Wong
Rodney Washington

1) What Is The Function of This Committee? 

The Transportation Planning Committee reviews application for street closures and permits for anything that is placed on the sidewalks, such as newsstands or phone booths. It also advocates for better maintenance of streets and sidewalks and improved transit services, and works with the Department of Transportation (DOT) to consider changes in parking regulations, street design and traffic patterns. It does also consider applications for No honking and Street name signs.

The Business License & Permits Committee hears unenclosed Sidewalk Café applications, Enclosed Sidewalk Café applications are heard by the Land Use Committees, and the Arts, Culture, Education & Street Life Committee hears applications for Street Fairs. Also all enforcement issues should be addressed by attending your Precinct Community Council, which meets once a month.

2) When and Where Does This Committee Meet?

The Committee regularly meets on the third Wednesday of each month, beginning at 6:30 PM. Please consult the calendar and committee agenda for most up to date information.

3) What City or State Agencies Work With This Committee?

  • New York City and New York State Departments of Transportation (DOT & NYSDOT)
  • Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJY)
  • Amtrak
  • Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA)
  • Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA)
  • NYC Department of Information Technology (DOITT)

4) How Should A Resident Address A Transportation Concern?

Resident should first report their concern to 311 and keep track of the complaint numbers. Contact the Community Board Office with details of the complaint. The staff or one of the chairs will get in touch with the resident within one week. Based on the type of concern and the level of documentation, the board will call the agency, send an administrative letter or schedule a hearing of the matter at the next transportation committee. Items will be put on the agenda of the next transportation committee provided the board was notified more than two weeks in advance of the meeting. This allows time for proper notification of the community.

5) Are There Board Specific Policies Frequently Enforced By This Committee:

6) What Type of Sidewalk and Street Changes Can Be Requested At Committee Meetings and What Is The Best Way to Prepare?

7) What Is The Process for Receiving a Permit to Place Something On The Sidewalk?

8) What Is The Best Way to Prepare for Coming Before This Committee?

  • Outreach: When the proposal consumes public space that is currently being used by pedestrians or vehicles, canvass the block and obtain the support of all neighbors (residential and businesses) and of transient pedestrians. Obtain the support of the block association. Obtaining a list of the names address contact number and signatures of people in support of the application is very helpful.
  • Things to bring: Photographs, movies, drawings of current and proposed configurations or regulations and list of surrounding land use, list of 311 calls, neighbors who support your request or supporting signatures, letter from your block association, patience as it may take two to three hours before being heard at the meeting depending on the agenda.

Questions frequently asked by committee members: What is there today and how does it work? Why is the change required? Who is requesting the change? How often is the problem occurring? How many people will benefit from the change?  Who will be negatively impacted by the change? Who is supporting and who is opposed to the change? If opposed, why?

Goals & Accomplishments

Recommendations to the Department of Transportation (DOT)

  • The installation of the new select bus service on 23rd Street, where we obtained that the bus lane be protected for traffic on a congested block
  • The installation of a 6th Avenue Bike lane, where we obtained that all intersections be equipped with a built pedestrian refuge and micro gardens
  • 11th Avenue changes in direction that will reduce congestion and improve safety at key intersections

Extension of the #7 Subway

  • The TPC Committee made recommendations to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to study the creation of a new cross Hudson train – PATH 7 extension of the # 7 subway to absorb significant demand in Cross Hudson Commuting and reduce the number of buses in our neighborhood.

Safety & Pedestrians

  • Asked the DOT for improved pedestrian safety at 18 dangerous intersections in the district. Three have been installed and 10 more were approved for installation in 2017.
  • Three street seats were approved and installed and two more were requested.
  • Requested the installation of three bike corrals to free up pedestrian space on the sidewalks


  • The committee continued to focus on buses, with testimonials on Sightseeing bus stops, reviews and recommendations for specific Intercity bus stops, complaints on illegal bus traffic and relocation of bus layover

On Going Projects

Useful Links

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