(Formally Working Group)
In response to the passage of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (“MRTA”), Manhattan Community Board 4 (“MCB4”) formed the Cannabis Working Group, which operates with a three-pronged mission: (1) as needed, keep track of and advise MCB4 and public about status of relevant New York cannabis laws, regulations, licensing, and enforcement; (2) provide feedback to the two agencies overseeing the implementation of the MRTA — the Office of Cannabis Management and Cannabis Control Board — on proposed cannabis regulations and licensing applications; and (3) provide recommendations to MCB4 on its role in the licensing and siting of cannabis-related businesses, including ensuring that MCB4’s review process supports the stated goals of the MRTA to be equity-based and to revitalize communities hit hardest by the disproportionate enforcement of cannabis prohibition. To achieve these goals, the Cannabis Working Group will engage with various stakeholders, including the relevant state agencies and community members. The Cannabis Working Group meets on an as-needed basis.
The Task Force Members are:
- Delores Rubin (Chair)
- Wendy Gonzalez
- Raul Larios
- Sanford Miller
- Allen Oster
- Rodney Washington
- Tina Nelson
Please check back to this page for relevant information and updates!
MCB4 Cannabis Task Force Meetings – Please check the calendar page for upcoming meetings
MCB4 Cannabis Licensing & Enforcement Forum
MCB4’s Cannabis Working Group hosted a public forum that included the following speakers:
- Dasheeda Dawson, Director, NYC Cannabis Initiative
- Anthony Miranda, NYC Sheriff
- Phillip Rumsey, Office of Cannabis Management
- Greg Wersching & Britt Buckner, Housing Works Cannabis Dispensary Program
- Mar Fitzgerald, Chair, Cannabis Licensing Committee MCB2
You can watch the forum on MCB4’s Youtube Channel and review the presentation.
MCB4 Letter to Office of Cannabis Management & Cannabis Control Board re Illicit Cannabis Dispensaries
- As indicated in our letter, MCB4 shares the community’s concerns regarding the current illicit sale of cannabis occurring in our district. We encourage community members to report illegal sales at unlicensed shops and bodegas to the Office of Cannabis Management at [email protected], and not to call 911.