OCM Cannabis Retail Dispensaries Licenses and Renewals

Retail dispensaries, microbusinesses, and registered organizations with dispensing seeking a final license from the Office of Cannabis Management must provide a municipal notice to Community Boards. To learn more about applying for a license from the Office of Cannabis Management, click here. Applicants who provide notice to Community Board 12M will be scheduled to appear before the Cannabis Task Force.

How to apply at Community Board 12M

CAURD license holders, applicants or licensees for retail dispensaries, microbusinesses, and registered organizations with proof of control of a location will only be considered to appear before the Board. If an applicant or licensee does not yet have a lease for a location, you must resubmit notice when a location and lease is secured. The exact location of a future business is critical for CB12M’s consideration of how a business may impact its surrounding area.

The OCM 30 Day Municipal Notice Form must be sent to CB12M either via:

  • certified mail with return receipt requested
  • overnight delivery service with proof of mailing
  • personal service upon the CB12M office

Once the 30 day notice is received, CB12M will follow up with the applicant and representative by email confirming receipt, request for supplemental materials, as needed, and a copy of the Public Hearing notice that must be posted on the front door or exterior window at least one week prior to the appearance date.

The following documents must be submitted by the last Wednesday of each month at 5pm before the scheduled Cannabis Task Force meeting to review your application. If you do not submit all requested items by the cutoff date, your application will be considered incomplete and will be up to the committee’s discretion to review it.

For additional guidance, please review:

 Applicant guide to retail cannabis at CB12M