FOIL Request

Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Request

FOIL Requests can be submitted electronically or postmark mail to Community Board 12 Manhattan.

FOIL Officer: Ebenezer Smith
Community Board 12
530 West 166th St., 6th Floor
New York, NY 10032


A FOIL request to Community Board 12M can only seek records maintained by Community Board 12 Manhattan. If you are seeking records maintained by other City agencies, entities, or elected officials, your request must be directed to the specific agency for which you are seeking records.

What is a FOIL Request?

Article 6 of the New York State Public Officers Law is known as the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). This law allows members of the public to request records from New York State or local government agencies.


What happens after we receive your FOIL request?

You will receive a written or emailed response within 7-10 business days either 1) granting the request, 2) denying the request, and/or 3) acknowledging the request and providing an approximate date when a determination will be made.


What if your request is denied?

If the FOIL Officer denies your request, in whole or in part, you may appeal within 30 days of the date on the denial letter by emailing or postmarking your appeal to Paola Garcia, Records Access Appeal Officer.



Submit your FOIL Request

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • (If you have a Building Department complaint you must have available address) (If you have a Forestry Complaint you must put your name, address and phone number on this form)