Street Activity Permits
Street activity permits allow for street festivals, block parties, farmers markets, commercial or promotional events, and other events on the City’s streets, sidewalks and pedestrian plazas. To learn more about what is allowed and where to apply, click here.
For street activity permits requiring partial or full street closures, CB12M requires the submission of at least 200 signatures from residents and small businesses to verify proper notice, engagement, and connection to residents and businesses impacted.
Download the Street-Activity Permit form and submit at least 30 days prior to the date of your event and to receive the form. The form may be submitted via email or in-person.
Once received, CB12M will either recommend approval or denial of the activity to NYC Street Activity Permit Office.
Street Co-Namings
Streets located within the boundaries of Manhattan’s Community Board 12 (CB12M) will be considered for co-naming in honor of individuals or organizations subject to criteria established by the Board.
Street co-naming requests are only considered in October and April and must be submitted to the Community Board office at least 4 weeks prior to the scheduled committee meeting.
Applicants who fail to submit the required articles to the Community Board office at least 4 weeks prior to the scheduled committee meeting may not have their application reviewed by the committee until the next scheduled meeting for handling such matters.
Street Co-Naming Guidelines
Street Activity Regulations
Street Activity Petition Form