
CB #12, Manhattan is committed to be each day a more efficient and effective local government agency. We want to provide the opportunity to all the residents of Washington Heights and Inwood to follow our meetings and the product of these meetings by making the minutes and resolutions available online. We would like that our local residents to read the minutes of our meetings and the resolutions that come out of our General Meetings to keep themselves informed. By reading these minutes and resolutions we expect to motivate our local residents to participate in future meetings by providing the necessary local resident input and point of view in the discussion of the issues affecting their particular local community in our monthly meetings. We strongly believe that an informed resident is able to request the necessary services to keep Washington Heights and Inwood a better place to live.

The files linked below are in PDF format and require the Adobe Reader to view.

2023 Minutes

General Board


Business Development

Cannabis Taskforce

Housing & Human Services


Land Use

Public Safety

Parks & Cultural Affairs

Traffic & Transportation

Youth & Education