SLA LICENSING 1 Robert Ely, Co-Chair and Donna Raftery, Co-Chair

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1a.* Applications to the New York State Liquor Authority (SLA) for Corporate Change to existing Restaurant Wine (RW), Tavern Wine (TW) or Full Liquor On-Premise (OP) Licenses: 1b.* Applications to

LAND USE Frederica Sigel, Chair

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*813-815 Broadway (between East 11th and 12th Streets) - BSA Cal No. 197-05-BZ is an application to the BSA to extend construction time of an 11-story, mixed-use building with ground

LANDMARKS 1 Chenault Spence, Chair

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1. *429 West Broadway - Application is to replace storefront doors and lock system. (withdrawn) 2. *396 Avenue of the Americas - Application is to install interior and exterior illuminated


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Discussion of most recent edits to draft. Please register using the link below:

LANDMARKS 2 Chenault Spence, Chair

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*95 Bedford St - Application is to restore the front façade, alter existing window and openings at the side and rear, and construct a new rooftop addition * 263 W. 11th St. - Application

PERSONNEL Jeannine Kiely, Chair

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When the Personnel Committee moves into Executive Session to discuss confidential information concerning applicants, only committee members may remain in the meeting, whether virtual or in-person. Please register using the

SPECIAL FULL BOARD Jeannine Kiely, Chair

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Tues., 9/20 @ 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM – Meeting Access via Videoconference Please register using the link below:

EXECUTIVE Jeannine Kiely, Chair

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Tues., 9/20 @ 6:45 PM - 7:45 PM (New Time) – Meeting Access via Videoconference Please register using the link below:

ARTS & INSTITUTION Ivy Kwan Arce, Chair

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* Discussion of FY 2024 Capital and Expense Budget Priorities. Please register using the link below:

FULL BOARD Jeannine Kiely, Chair

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We accept both written testimony and live testimony at the beginning of our meeting, but please note that public speakers will be limited to 2 minutes or less at the