When the Personnel Committee moves into Executive Session to discuss confidential information concerning applicants, only committee members may remain in the meeting, whether virtual or in-person. Please register using the link below: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3c01iEwHRQOmy25LrSXXSA
1. Update on the reconstruction of the Tony Dapolito Recreation Center. 2. * Presentation of the plan for the renovation of Bleecker Playground. Joint with the ELIZABETH STREET GARDEN WORKING GROUP David Gruber, Chair Not before 7:30 PM 3. Update on Elizabeth Street Garden. Please register using the link below: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_M41IPZxqR4u8s7QFugcYpw
1a.* Applications to the New York State Liquor Authority (SLA) for Corporate Change to existing Restaurant Wine (RW), Tavern Wine (TW) or Full Liquor On-Premise (OP) Licenses: 68 Perry St. Corp. d/b/a Corner Bistro, 331 W. 4th 10014 (OP-Restaurant) (Live Music-Various) (DOT Open Restaurant Program) (laid over) Emmy Squared Bedford, LLC d/b/a Emily, 31-33
When the Personnel Committee moves into Executive Session to discuss confidential information concerning applicants, only committee members may remain in the meeting, whether virtual or in-person. Please register using the link below: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3c01iEwHRQOmy25LrSXXSA
1.* Street Activities: 9/15/22 – 9/16/22 – Mierle Laderman Ukeles Gallery Show (Sponsor: NYU Gallatin School): Washington Place between Broadway and Mercer St. 9/17/22 – Judson Memorial Church Homecoming Weekend: Thompson St. between Washington Square South and West 3rd 9/17/22 – Opening of the Northern Dispensary (Sponsor: David Ludwigson): Waverly Place between Gay St. and
1a.* Applications to the New York State Liquor Authority (SLA) for Corporate Change to existing Restaurant Wine (RW), Tavern Wine (TW) or Full Liquor On-Premise (OP) Licenses: 1b.* Applications to the New York State Liquor Authority (SLA) for Change in Method of Operation to existing Restaurant Wine (RW), Tavern Wine (TW) or Full Liquor On-Premise
*813-815 Broadway (between East 11th and 12th Streets) - BSA Cal No. 197-05-BZ is an application to the BSA to extend construction time of an 11-story, mixed-use building with ground floor commercial space. Additionally, the applicant seeks modification of one of the conditions that the BSA attached to its most recent extension of time for
1. *429 West Broadway - Application is to replace storefront doors and lock system. (withdrawn) 2. *396 Avenue of the Americas - Application is to install interior and exterior illuminated signage, and vinyl sheets on 3 windows on the W. 8th St. elevation. 3. *392-394 West Broadway - Application is to paint the first story
*95 Bedford St - Application is to restore the front façade, alter existing window and openings at the side and rear, and construct a new rooftop addition * 263 W. 11th St. - Application is to excavate part of the rear yard to construct a pool. 202-204 6th Ave. Application is to install retractable rollacover in the rear yard,
When the Personnel Committee moves into Executive Session to discuss confidential information concerning applicants, only committee members may remain in the meeting, whether virtual or in-person. Please register using the link below: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3c01iEwHRQOmy25LrSXXSA
Tues., 9/20 @ 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM – Meeting Access via Videoconference Please register using the link below: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fFYazXrwQO-AoLpF7y0rTA
Tues., 9/20 @ 6:45 PM - 7:45 PM (New Time) – Meeting Access via Videoconference Please register using the link below: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nPWj-wLHRPipW8ndS181Sg
* Discussion of FY 2024 Capital and Expense Budget Priorities. Please register using the link below: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gke5P46-TyGmwOaTTowW4A
We accept both written testimony and live testimony at the beginning of our meeting, but please note that public speakers will be limited to 2 minutes or less at the discretion of the Chair. We recommend submitting written testimony, which will be summarized at the meeting, to ensure an opportunity for your voice to be
PANEL: New York City's Economic Recovery: Looking Ahead to 2023 After two and half years of the largest exogenous shock to hit the New York City economy and a looming recession going into 2023, where are we and how are we doing? How are we actually moving towards a more equitable recovery that contributes to
*DSS/DHS and Center for Urban Community Services: report on opening and operation of Paul’s Place, a Drop-In Shelter and Safe Haven for homeless adults at 112-114 West 14th St. Discussion of Human Services priorities for CB2 District Needs Statement, Priority Budget Requests, discussion of future meeting topics. * Discussion of FY 2024 Capital and Expense