This document was created to list the actions required of applicants seeking approvals for proposed construction work at properties that are designated by the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) or are located in LPC-designated historic districts. Prior to scheduling to present the application to LPC, the applicant must present to Community Board 10 Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee. The policies and procedures outlined below will be required for all applicants, effective as of the date indicated at the bottom of this document.
A) Reach out to the Community Board 10 Office:
As you are approaching submission of plans to DOB for the proposed work, please reach out to the Manhattan Community Board 10 district office. Inform the office of the proposed work and request to schedule a presentation at the Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee meeting. We require all applicants to schedule the presentation with the community board prior to scheduling the hearing with the Landmarks Preservation Commission. Submit a copy of the proposed plans and scope of work along with your request to schedule a presentation.
B) Community Outreach Requirements for Applicants:
At least two weeks prior to presenting at the Community Board 10 Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee, the applicant must complete/provide the following to the Community Board 10 District Manager and the Community Board 10 Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee:
- The applicant/homeowner is required to contact each homeowner on the block informing homeowners of the proposed work on the property. Posting notices of proposed work on the block is acceptable.
- If the property is located on a block that has a block association or homeowner’s association, the applicant must:
- Contact the president/chair of the block association and/or homeowner association via mail, email, in-person meeting, or otherwise.
- Provide to the Community Board 10 Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee a letter of support from the association, indicating that the association was informed of the proposed work on the property and approves of such work. Submit this letter of support prior to the scheduled Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee meeting.
- If the property is located in a historic district, the applicant/homeowner is required to notify the historic district association (if such an association exists in the vicinity of the property). In addition, the applicant/homeowner must provide written approval from the historic district association, indicating that the association was informed of the proposed work on the property and approves of such work.
Information to Provide to Neighbors & Community Associations:
- A scope of the proposed work on the property.
- Potential impact to the adjacent property or properties.
- Timeline for when the proposed work will commence and terminate.
C) At the Scheduled Committee Meeting:
At the scheduled committee meeting, the applicant (the architect, developer, and/or property owner) should be prepared to present the plans via PDF or a PowerPoint presentation. Our conference room is equipped with an overhead projector and a computer. Please bring a flash drive with a copy of the presentation. Additionally, please provide 5-10 copies of the presentation for committee members and other attendees at the committee meeting.
After the presentation, we will hold a Q&A session. If the submission is complete and there are no issues with the proposed work, we will conduct a vote at the committee meeting. If the submission is incomplete or we require additional information, we reserve the right to postpone the vote or issue a conditional vote.
After the vote, the committee will submit a letter regarding the application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission. This letter will be submitted prior to scheduling/holding the LPC hearing.
D) Non-Compliance with these Policies & Procedures:
If an applicant/homeowner is not compliant with the policies and procedures outlined in this document, the Community Board 10 Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee reserves the right to:
- Postpone the applicant/homeowner presentation to the Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee until all items required are satisfied and all required documentation is provided.
- Reject the application until all items required are satisfied and all required documentation is provided to the CB 10 Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee.
- Contact LPC to indicate the project’s non-compliance of the CB 10 Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee Policies and Procedures.
E) Assistance/Support from Community Board 10:
Should the applicant require assistance to confirm whether there is a block association, homeowner’s association, community association, etc. in the jurisdiction of the property, the applicant can contact the Community Board 10 office. The CB10 office can assist the applicant with identifying the organizations from which the applicant must secure approvals prior to requesting to present the proposed project at a Transportation, Historic Preservation, and Landmarks Committee meeting. Additionally, the CB10 office can also provide the applicant with the contact information of these community associations and organizations.
For any questions or concerns, please contact our district office at 212-749-3105. Thank you.
Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee
Community Outreach Policies and Procedures
This Community Outreach Policies and Procedures document was created to list the actions required of applicants seeking Community Board 10 Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee approvals for proposed construction work at properties that are LPC-designated or are located in LPC-designated historic districts. The policies and procedures outlined below will be required for all applicants, as of the date indicated at the bottom of this document.
Requirements for Applicants:
At least one month prior to requesting to present at Community Board 10 Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee for approval preceding the property’s LPC hearing date, the applicant must complete/provide the following to the Community Board 10 District Manager and the Community Board 10 Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee:
- The applicant/homeowner is required to contact each homeowner on the block informing homeowners of the proposed work on the property.
- If the property is located on a block that has a block association or homeowner’s association, the applicant must:
- Contact the president/chair of the block association and/or homeowner association via mail, email, in-person meeting, or otherwise.
- Provide to the Community Board 10 Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee a letter of support from the association, indicating that the association was informed of the proposed work on the property and approves of such work. Submit this letter of support at least one month prior to a Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee meeting
- If the property is located in a historic district, the applicant/homeowner is required to notify the historic district association (if such an association exists in the vicinity of the property). In addition, the applicant/homeowner must provide written approval from the historic district association, indicating that the association was informed of the proposed work on the property and approves of such work.
Information to Provide to Neighbors & Community Associations:
- A scope of the proposed work on the property.
- Timeline for when the proposed work will commence and terminate.
Non-Compliance with these Policies & Procedures:
If an applicant/homeowner is not compliant with the policies and procedures outlined in this document, the Community Board 10 Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee reserves the right to:
- Postpone the applicant/homeowner presentation to the Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee until all items required are satisfied and all required documentation is provided.
- Reject the application until all items required are satisfied and all required documentation is provided to the CB 10 Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee.
- Contact LPC to indicate the project’s non-compliance of the CB 10 Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee Community Outreach Policies and Procedures.
Assistance/Support from the Community Board 10:
Should the applicant require assistance to confirm whether there is a block association, homeowner’s association, community association, etc. in the jurisdiction of the property, the applicant can contact the Community Board 10 office. The CB10 office can provide the applicant/homeowner assistance with identifying the organizations from which she/he must secure approvals prior to requesting to present the proposed project at a Historic Preservation and Landmarks Committee meeting. Additionally, the CB10 office can also provide the applicant with the contact information of these community associations and organizations