Download the Rules of Order for Community Board Meetings
1. All Community Board Meetings shall be conducted pursuant to New York State Public Officers Law, the New York City Charter, the Open Meetings Law, and any other applicable laws. The Community Board’s By-Laws shall govern meetings where they do not conflict with applicable laws. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings where they do not conflict with applicable laws and the By-Laws.
2. All Community Board Members shall be provided a reasonable opportunity to address the Community Board (the “Board”) on any matter of the Board or any matter that pertains to the Board’s mission.
3. During General Board Meetings, members of the public may be allowed to speak during the portion of the meeting designated as “Community First.” Subject to any modifications and guidelines established by the Chair of the Community Board (the “Chair”), or his or her designee, each public speaker shall sign in and give a brief description of what he/she will comment upon prior to speaking. Public speakers will be allotted a time limit of two (2) minutes each commencing from the beginning of the speaker’s remarks. Time cannot be shared or allotted to other speakers. If the Chair, or his or her designee, determines that there is not sufficient time at the meeting, the “Community First” period or a portion thereof may be deferred to either the end of the General Board meeting or the beginning of the next General Board meeting.
4. During General Board Meetings and Committee Meetings (collectively, “Board Meetings”) and outside of “Community First” portions of meetings, members of the public may ask questions and comment upon agenda items only when recognized by the Chair, the Committee Chair, or their designee.
5. At all times, all Board members and members of the public shall conduct themselves in a courteous, professional and orderly manner. Obscene, threatening or harassing language, slander, threats of violence, personal attacks of any kind or offensive comments that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, age, or religious group, gender, sexual orientation or disability status are prohibited at all Board Meetings.
6. No members of the meeting shall display signs or placards in a disruptive manner, disruptively applaud participants in debate, or engage in disorderly conversation or other disorderly behavior which may disrupt the proceedings of the meeting.
7. Audio and video recording of Board Meetings are permitted unless they interfere with the meetings, in accord with the Open Meetings Law. The recording must be conducted from a fixed location and in a manner which does not interfere with the meeting. The Chair, or his or her designee shall have the discretion to prohibit video or audio recording that interferes with a meeting. Recording is not permitted during Executive Session.
8. Any Board member or member of the public who uses obscene, threatening or harassing language, slander, threats of violence, personal attacks of any kind or offensive comments that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, age, or religious group, gender, sexual orientation or disability status or who otherwise becomes disorderly while at a Board Meeting shall be removed from the Board Meeting at the discretion of the Chair, or his or her designee.
9. No Board member or member of the public shall be permitted to speak on a cellular telephone during a Community Board Meeting while the meeting is in progress other than for emergency reasons. All cellular telephones are required to be turned off or on “vibrate” mode.
10. During General Board Meetings, the enforcement of this Code of Conduct shall be conducted by the Board’s Sergeant at Arms under the direction of the Chair, or his or her designee. During Committee Meetings, the enforcement of this Code of Conduct shall be conducted by the Committee Chair or his or her designee. The New York City Police Department and building security may assist with the ejection of any individual from a Board Meeting for violating this Code of Conduct.