The Board consists of 50 volunteer members who are appointed by the Manhattan Borough President.
All CB 10’s Board Members live, work, or have a significant interest in the District and were appointed based on their qualifications and the needs of the Board.
Board Officers
Hon. Marquis A. Harrison, Chair
Hon. Charles Powell, 1st Vice Chair
Hon. Charles Johnson, 2nd Vice-Chair
Hon. Tahanie Aboushi, Secretary
Hon. Briana McClure, Asst. Secretary
Hon. Deneane Brown-Blackmon, Treasurer
Hon. Stephanie Palmer, Parliamentarian
Full Board List
Hon. Adama Bah
Hon. Bailey Jeremie
Hon. Brianna McClure
Hon. Barbara Nelson
Hon. Catrice Davis
Hon. Charles Johnson
Hon. Charles Powell
Hon. Cherise-Aste Wykoff
Hon. Cheryl Smith
Hon. Cicely Harris
Hon. Dana Points
Hon. Daniel Paterson
Hon. Darryl Jenkins
Hon. Darryl T. Downing
Hon. Dawn Richards
Hon. Delsenia Glover
Hon. Deneane Brown-Blackmon
Hon. Derek Perkinson
Hon. Dominick Boyce
Hon. Donna Gill
Hon. Doria Josma
Hon. Eliza Saunders
Hon. George Harrell
Hon. Irene Henry
Hon. Kamaria Milford
Hon. Kamauru Johnson
Hon. Karen Dixon
Hon. Karen Horry
Hon. Kimberly McLaurin
Hon. La’Dreamer Lark
Hon. LaShanda Myers
Hon. Laurdes Smart
Hon. Londel Davis
Hon. Lydell Tyson
Hon. Lynn Woodley
Hon. Marquis Harrison
Hon. Maurice Franklin
Hon. Mbacke Thiam
Hon. Miranda Padilla
Hon. Philip Desgranges
Hon. Sharon Chancie
Hon. Staci Ramos
Hon. Stanley N. Gleaton
Hon. Stephanie Palmer
Hon. Tahanie Aboushie
Hon. William Allen
Hon. Wilma Brown