Land Use Study

Washington Heights and Inwood Planning and Land Use Study

City College Architectural Center
Shepard Hall
March 7, 2008

At the close of 2004, members of Community Board 12-Manhattan (CB12) began to seek resources for conducting a neighborhood planning and land-use study covering all of Washington Heights and Inwood, the neighborhoods that makeup “Northern Manhattan” and comprise Community District 12 (CD12). After consultation with City agency represen­tatives and their elected officials, CB12’s officers and committee chairs determined that a broad-based, district-wide planning study would aid in identifying priorities and in establish­ing consensus around a set of criteria for evaluating proposed and future development.


Section 1 – Introduction, Methodology, Community Actors, and Past Findings 

Section 2 – Demographics and Best Practices, Housing, Community Needs, Community Facilities, and Potential Sites

Section 3 – Neighborhood History, Transportation, Topography, Parks, and Open Space, Aerials and Photos, and Historic Preservation

Section 4 – Zoning Land Use and Development

Section 5 – Recommendations, Resources, and Resolutions

Section 0 – Short Version

MBPO Land Use 101 Presentation

Rezoning Presentation 04/07/2010

Rezoning Report